Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law, love under will.


January 2024

Vi Veri Vniversum Vivus Vici!

Winter Solstice 2023
November 2023

The esoteric system is all based upon the ultimate motive. Ultimate motive is the service of truth itself, a complete dedication to the service of the realities of existence. - Manly P. Hall, Esoteric Wisdom for Modern Living

October 2023

Unbalanced power is the ebbing away of life. Unbalanced mercy is but weakness and the fading out of the will. Unbalanced severity is cruelty and the barrenness of mind. - Israel Regardie, Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind & Magic: formerly The Middle Pillar

Autumnal Equinox 2023
September 2023

The world is not prepared yet to understand the philosophy of Occult Sciences - let them assure themselves first of all that there are beings in an invisible world, whether 'Spirits' of the dead or Elementals; and that there are hidden powers in man, which are capable of making a God of him on earth. - H. P. Blavatsky

August 2023

Magical work involves change and creation. And the subject of the magician’s work is the self. The magician is the focus of his or her own alchemical processes. By adapting one’s personal vision to reflect the macrocosm, we can change ourselves to better reflect those divine ideas. We may alter our body, appearance, the chemical composition of our blood, and the configuration of our nervous system. We may tame the feral beasts that dwell within our organic structure. By changing ourselves to resonate with the divine, we may transmute every portion of ourselves and become as purified vessels for the eternal spirit. - Israel Regardie, Middle Pillar: The Balance Between Mind & Magic

July 2023

Religion exalts mystery as an unknowable secret that must be sealed in glass like the corpse of an enchanted princess and fearfully worshipped from afar. Initiation, on the other hand, requires direct participation and demands each of us to smash the casket and press mad lips to mystery, wooing her as a lover who will offer up her treasurers in a succession of sweet surrenders. This she will do, but only in exact ratio to our evolving ability and worthiness to receive them. - Lon Milo DuQuette

June 2023

Sit still. Stop thinking. Shut up. Get out! The first two of these instructions comprise the whole of the technique of Yoga. The last two are of a sublimity which it would be improper to expound in this present elementary stage. - Aleister Crowley, Eight Lectures On Yoga (1939) Ch. 4

May 2023

Black magic is not a myth. It is a totally unscientific and emotional form of magic, but it does get results - of an extremely temporary nature. The recoil upon those who practice it is terrific.
It is like looking for an escape of gas with a lighted candle. As far as the search goes, there is little fear of failure!
To practice black magic you have to violate every principle of science, decency, and intelligence. You must be obsessed with an insane idea of the importance of the petty object of your wretched and selfish desires.
I have been accused of being a "black magician."
No more foolish statement was ever made about me. I despise the thing to such an extent that I can hardly believe in the existence of people so debased and idiotic as to practice it. - Article "The Worst Man in the World" in The Sunday Dispatch (2 July 1933); quoted in The Magical Revival (1972) by Kenneth Grant

April 2023

As God creates, so man can create. Given a certain intensity of will, and the shapes created by the mind become subjective. Hallucinations, they are called, although to their creator they are real as any visible object is to any one else. Given a more intense and intelligent concentration of this will, and the form becomes concrete, visible, objective; the man has learned the secret of secrets; he is a MAGICIAN. - Helena P Blavasky, Works of H. P. Blavasky 31 Illustrated Books

March 2023

May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall! - Aleister Crowley, Moonchild

February 2023

The physical union of a man and a woman, in essence, is a supernatural act, a reminiscence of paradise, the most beautiful of all the hymns of praise dedicated to the Creator by the creature; it is the alpha and the omega of all creation. - Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom 

January 2023

They wander in darkness seeking light, failing to realize that the light is in the heart of the darkness. - Manly P. Hall

December 2022

Love is the only principle which makes life tolerable. - Aleister Crowley

November 2022

The Quest of the Holy Grail, the Search for the Stone of the Philosophers - by whatever name we choose to call the Great Work - is therefore endless. Success only opens up new avenues of brilliant possibility. Yea, verily, and Amen! the task is tireless and its joys without bounds; for the whole Universe, and all that in it is, what is it but the infinite playground of the Crowned and Conquering Child, of the insatiable, the innocent, the ever-rejoicing Heir of Space and Eternity, whose name is MAN? - Aleister Crowley

October 2022

Within every man and woman is a force that directs and controls the entire course of life. Properly used, it can heal every affliction and ailment we may have. - Israel Regardie

Autumnal Equinox 2022
September 2022

Man is not a being who stands still, he is a being in the process of becoming. The more he enables himself to become, the more he fulfills his true mission. Rudolf Steiner

August 2022

Gnostics can awaken to the real state of Illumination only through the understanding and elimination of dreams. - Samael Aun Weor, Dream Yoga

July 2022

Suntem zeii atomilor care ne alcătuiesc, dar suntem și atomii zeilor care alcătuiesc universul. - Manly Palmer Hall

June 2022

Magic comprises the most profound contemplation of the most secret things, their nature, power, quality, substance, and virtues, as well as the knowledge of their whole nature. - Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

May 2022

We must be educated in inner human modesty, so we can recognize that we are not, even for a moment, complete as human beings. Instead, we continue to develop from birth until death. We must recognize that every day of life has a special value, that it is not without purpose that we must learn to live through our thirties right after we have just gone through our twenties. We need to learn that each new day and each new year offers continual revelation. - Rudolf Steiner

April 2022

Light is throned in the Heart of the Master so that he thinks no evil, for in that Light All is Truth. - Aleister Crowley

Spring Equinox 2022
March 2022

Isis am I, and from my life are fed all showers and suns, all moons that wax and wane, all stars and streams, the living and the dead, the mystery of pleasure and of pain. I am the Mother. I the speaking sea. I am the Earth in its fertility. Life, death, love, hatred, light, darkness, return to me. To me. - Aleister Crowley’s Invocation of Isis

February 2022

Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. - Manly Hall

January 2022

Who does not understand should either learn, or be silent. - John Dee